Angry Rooftop by chackie81

Vorsicht Abzocke bei Wohnungssuche!

Der Wohnungsmarkt in Hamburg ist stark umkämpft, das muss ich gerade am eigenen Leib erfahren, da ich mich auf der Suche nach einer Wohnung befinde (2 Zimmer, ca 45qm, Miete um die 450€ warm, nur zur Info). Doch was mir gestern Abend passiert ist, toppt jede Massenbesichtigung!

Ich habe ein Inserat bei einem der vielen Immobilien-Portale gesehen, dass mich gleich interessiert hat. Günstige Miete in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Stadtkern Hamburgs. Das Angebot war schon fast zu gut (letztlich war es zu gut um wahr zu sein). Also füllte ich das Kontaktformular aus und zeigte mein Interesse an der Wohnung. Dies geschah gestern nachmittags. Gegen 0:00 Uhr abends erhielt ich daraufhin eine email – auf englisch. Der Inhalt war folgender:


First of all i’m sorry to write you in english but i don’t speak German. I just read your e-mail regarding my apartment located in : Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 115, 20355, Hamburg, Germany. It has: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she’s back home (Liverpool/United Kingdom) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated…

Es ging dann noch etwas weiter, alles sehr plausibel argumentiert. So weit hatte ich noch keine Zweifel an der Seriosität. Doch als ich dann in der zweiten Mail darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass die Miet- und Kautionszahlung über eine andere Firma ablaufen solle, bei der dann der Schlüssel hinterlegt werde, wurde ich Misstrauisch.

Der Name der Firma: DeWitt Rental Company Wenn man sich diese Website ansieht, fällt einem sofort eines ins Auge: Die Schriftart! Comic Sans?! Welches seriöse Unternehmen nutzt denn diese Schriftart? Nein, das ist natürlich kein Argument. Aber die Angabe von ICQ-Nummer und die Tatsache, dass ich erst die Kohle überweisen müsste und dann den Schlüssel bekäme, weckten dann doch meine Zweifel.

Ich fragte Google, was es mit DeWitt auf sich habe und fand entsprechend schnell mehrere Artikel. Zur Sicherheit suchte ich auch noch den Namen des „Vermieters“ (David Asarenco) und fand dann diesen Beitrag von, der vor den Betrügern warnte. Die zogen diese Nummer nicht nur in Hamburg ab, sondern auch in Frankfurt, München und anderen Großtstädten.

Es ist doch wirklich krass, wie manche Leute skrupellos die Not der Anderen ausnutzen. Ich hoffe, dass möglichst wenig auf solche Betrüger und schlicht „Schweine“ hereinfallen. Informiert euch vorher genau, zahlt nichts im Voraus, lasst euch nicht unter Druck setzen! Immer eine Nacht drüber schlafen.  Wenn Angebote zu gut klingen um wahr zu sein, sind sie es meistens leider auch… Ich wünsche allen anderen Wohnungssuchenden viel Erfolg, aber nehmt mir bitte keine Wohnung weg! 😉

Übrigens: Das Portal hat mir heute morgen direkt eine email geschickt, in der sie mich vor dem Anbieter gewarnt haben. Sehr schnell reagiert. Finde ich gut! Darauf sollte man sich jedoch lieber nicht verlassen.


Update: Hier eine Sammlung der angeblichen Namen: D. Asarenco, M. Somenov, H. W. Boyd. Immer schön die Augen offen halten!

Angry Rooftop by chackie81

Bildquelle: Angry rooftop by Chackie81

73 Kommentare zu „Vorsicht Abzocke bei Wohnungssuche!“

  1. Hi, der Betrüger, der sich als David Asarenco ausgibt, ist schon seit Wochen auf den Immobilienportalen aktiv. Es ist mitunter schwierig, die Betrugsangebote zu erkennen, die Betrüger entwickeln immer neue Strategien. So geben sie sich oftmals auch als Makler, Hausverwalter, Agenturen, Unternehmer etc. aus.Googlen ist sehr hilfreich – aber eigentlich ist nur eines wichtig – NIEMALS Vorkasse zahlen an Unbekannte im Internetnirwana

    hier habe ich mal einige Antworttexte der Betrüger veröffentlicht

  2. Diese merkwürdigen Angebote gab es bereits, als ich (toitoitoi – das ist nun über ein Jahr her) in Hamburg auf Wohnungssuche war. Allerdings war es zumindest damals noch so, dass man die Wohnungen anhand der Bilder sehr gut aussortieren konnte.
    Es handelte sich immer um sehr geschmackvoll, katalogmäßig eingerichtete Wohnungen, mit einem Traum-Badezimmer und jeglichem SchnickSchnack – die Mieten waren immer deutlich unter dem Stadtteilüblichen. Nach einem halben Jahr Wohnungssuche wiederholten sich im Übrigen auch die Bilder…
    Die Wohnungen lagen natürlich immer in den Hamburger „Trend“-Stadtteilen (Altona, St. Pauli, Hoheluft, Eimsbüttel etc.) und nie in anderen Gegenden.

    Sehr gut, dass du hier darauf aufmerksam machst. Ich habe damals auch abgebrochen, als ich Geld im Voraus für bezahlen sollte ohne je die Wohnung gesehen zu haben. Aber es scheint wohl so, als gibt es genug Menschen, die nicht stutzig werden und sich darauf einlassen!

  3. Unglaublig, es ist mir auch pasiert und bin fast reingefallen. Es sollte eine super günstig schöne Wohnung sein in der Stadtmitte München… Ich habe an die Anzeige reagiert und gleichen eMail bekommen:


    First of all i’m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak German. I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Thierschstraße 40, 80538, München, Germany. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he’s back home (Preston/United Kingdom) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, gas, heating, wireless broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwashe, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and i believe it is convenient for us both. (…)

    Dies ist ein Teil des ersten eMails… unterschrieben als Michael Somenov. Da ich sehr neugierig war, wollte ich mir die Umgebung umschauen und bin gleich Tag danach in genannte Straße gegangen um mich umzuschauen, wo ich nun wohnen werde… habe aus Neugier auch die Klingeln angeschaut, in der Glaube, dass ich dort Klingel mit dem Namen „Somenov“ finden werde. Habe ich nicht gefunden, was ich aber bemert habe, dass an einem Klingel stand: DeWitt Rental Company…

    Als ich nach Hause gekommen bin, wartete auf mich der zweite eMail, dass die Miet- und Kautionszahlung auch über eine andere Firma ablaufen solle, bei der dann der Schlüssel hinterlegt werde… Der Name der Firma: DeWitt Rental Company… Gott sei Dank, dass ich die „Firma“ gegoogelt habe… und an menge der Infos gestoßen bin, dass es sich um ein Betrug handelt.



  4. Oh Gott, danke für eure Hinweise….die hätte ich besser vorher lesen sollen. Vor wenigen Minuten erhielt ich nämlich genau diese Mail und ich bin vor lauter „VORFREUDE“ im Dreieck gesprungen…und habe selbstverständlich sofort geantwortet. Nun weiß ich – DANK EUCH!!! – das jede weitere Kontaktaufnahme abgeblockt und unkommentiert bleiben kann….GROSSES DANKESCHÖN an die, die sich nicht so schnell blenden lassen :(….merci

  5. Vielen Dank an alle. Auch ich habe eine email zu einer super Wohnung von Michael Somenov erhalten … aber fuer eine Wohnung in Berlin Mitte.

    1. Herr Somenov scheint jetzt auf dem Markt aktiv zu sein!!!! Habe gleiche mail mit gleichem Inhalt für eine Wohnung in Hamburg, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 115 vorliegen!!!!

      Lasst euch nicht blenden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      DER KOHLE VERSCHWINDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ICH WERDE MORGEN AUF JEDEN FALL ANZEIGE ERSTATTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Denn auch der Versuch ist strafbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ich bin so froh, deine Anzeige gefunden zu haben, denn ich wär tatsächlich auch auf diese Masche reingefallen – hier ist seine E-Mail:


    First of all i’m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak German. I appreciate your intent of renting
    my apartment located in : Neue Schönhauser Straße 17, 10178, Berlin, Germany. The apartment have: 2
    bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in
    Germany, but now he’s back home (Preston/United Kingdom) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited
    time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you
    intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished
    and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities (cold/hot water, electricity, gas, heating, wireless
    broadband Internet, digital TV, 1 parking spots, dishwashe, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator, washing
    machine, etc.) are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and i believe it is convenient for us both. All
    the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security
    deposit ( Kaution ) is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment (you will
    have to give me at least 30 days notice). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave
    the apartment. My son is building him life here, and I am too old to move to Germany, so we won’t disturb you.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you will
    have access to a very large and well ventilated cellar, where you can store my furniture. Now, a little bit
    about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Michael Somenov and I’m a 56 years old doctor
    pedriathic from Preston / United Kingdom ( working to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital ), planning to retire in
    the next 6 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t
    allow me to leave Preston even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements
    to rent the apartment from Preston (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Michael Somenov

    P.S. Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the

    Ich bin jetzt so froh-das hat mir wahnsinnig viel Ärger erspart!!!!!

  7. [Edit: Ich habe den Link entfernt, nur zur Sicherheit. //David]

    Wollte die Wohnung mit einer Freundin besichtigen, wurden jedoch auch misstrauischs als wir im Voraus bezahlen sollten und haben all mögliche Details gegoogelt.

    1. Von dieser E_Mail habe ich Antwort erhalten :

      Betreff: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 63665360
      Von: „Michael Somenov“

  8. Hallo Zusammen,
    ich habe heute eine sehr ähnliche Mail erhalten, zwecks Anmietung einer Wohnung in Köln, das Angebot war unglaublich, so unglaulich, das ich immer nach einem Haken gesucht habe, nun habe ich den Haken gefunden, bzw. direkt per e-mail und zwar ebenfalls von besagtem “ Michael Somenov“ man sollte solchen Menschen, die mit der Not anderer Kohle scheffeln, das Handwerk legen.
    Überlege gerade, ob ich mich mit dieser Geschichte nicht mal an die Medien wende, damit andere, vielleicht etwas leichtgläubige Menschen, nicht um ihr hart verdientes Geld gebracht werden

  9. Also ich habe heute die gleiche E-mail bekommen, aber für eine Wohnung in Stuttgart (Stadtmitte), auch vom Herrn Somenov. Zum Glück hat mein Freund im Internet recherchiert, sonst wären wir drauf reingefallen. Echt krass, was manche Leute abziehen.

  10. Hi Leute.
    Ich habe auch die 2 besagten mails bekommen.
    Und zum Glück habe ich vor der zweiten mail diese EINTRÄGE BEKOMMEN.
    Ich habe mit jetzt einen kleinen Spaß erlaubt. Ich habe Ihm geschrieben das ich eh nächsten Monat in England bin und ich mir die Schlüßel abholen kann und Ihm die Kaution schonmal im Vorraus gebe und wir gleich einen Vertrag abschliessen können.
    Und das ganze habe ich begründet, das er doch bestimmt sehen will wer „seine wohnung“ anmieten will.
    Mal gucken was jetzt zurück kommt:-)

  11. Habe heute ebenfalls die 2 mails bekommen. Da mir die Sache komisch vorkam, habe ich mal gegoogelt und kann nur sagen: Es lebe google und all die Leute, die Ihre Erfahrungen hier kund tun. Es handelte sich um eine Wohnung in München – Lehel. Die Idee mit selbst in England vorbeizufahren find ich übrigens super :-)))

  12. liebe leutz vielen dank für eure warnungen =D ich wäre leider auch fast darauf reingefallen ich habe die ganze zeit keine bösen hintergründe gesehen bis mein freund stutzig wurde …. da habe ich die firma gegoogelt und das hier gefunden …. und ich bin echt enttäuscht….naja war ja echt zu schön um war zu sein… was ich hier bei euch noch beifügen möchte ist das dieser herr sich bei mir als herr harry william boyd gemeldet hat
    ich habe hier den anhang meiner mails hinterlassen ….


    First of all i’m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak german. I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 115, 20355, Hamburg, Germany. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit ( Kaution ) is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Germany, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Harry Willam Boyd and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Harry Willam Boyd

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

    das ist die erste mail und hier die 2.


    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 300 EUR + 300 security deposit ( 600 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called DeWitt Rental Company which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the DeWitt Rental Company website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Thanks and have a good day

    wie gesagt er ist nicht nur unter einem namen oder nur einer adresse unterwegs …..

    schön das es leutz gibt die das köpfchen haben die erfahrung gleich ins netz zu stellen …

  13. 1000 Dank für den Beitrag!! Auch fast drauf reingefallen, aber die 600 euro im Voraus kamen mir zum Glück auch komisch vor. Puhh! Bei war es eine Wohnung in Berlin und auch Harry William Boyd.
    Was kann man dagegen machen?
    Hat tatsächlich schon jemand geklagt?

  14. Ein Glück gibt es Google 🙂

    Habe genau dieselben mails bekommen. Von Harry William Boyd aus Bristol. Es ging um eine Wohnung in Berlin für 300€ warm. Das schönste an der Wohnung war eigentlich der Ausblick aus dem Wohnzimmer – Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Palmen…. Das waren dann doch etwas verdächtige Bilder :).

    Kann man eigentlich für die mittlerweile sehr lange Liste sowas wie eine Sammelanzeige einleiten
    Und offenbar scheint nichts von ihren fake inseraten zu wissen….
    Zumindest habe ich die Wohnung dort gefunden, wie siehts bei euch aus?

  15. danke für die warnung!! habe gerade genau die gleiche email von h.w. boyd erhalten, es handelte sich hierbei um die wohnung in der bremer innenstadt sögestraße 58!!
    danke vielmals, ich wäre wahrscheinlich diesen deal eingegangen !! 🙂

  16. So eine Schweinerei, ich habe ebenfalls diese besagte Email von einem Harry William Boyd bekommen.


    First of all i’m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak german. I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Holzgraben 18, 60313, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit ( Kaution ) is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Germany, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Harry Willam Boyd and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Harry Willam Boyd

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

    So ein Glück dass ich bevor ich überhaupt die zweite Mail bekam schon seltsam fand, dass er das Angebot aus dem Netz genommen hat..

    Ach ja wie ist das mit dem Englandaufenthalt gelaufen, Anja? 😀

  17. Hallo alle zusammen,

    vielen Dank für die Beiträge, das hat mir auch die Augen geöffnet.

    Habe genau diese Mail gestern bekommen:


    First of all i’m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak german. I appreciate your intent of renting my apartment located in : Neue Schönhauser Straße 17, 10178, Berlin, Germany. The apartment have: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room. I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he’s back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any furthe I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long. The flat is exactly like in the pictures, fully furnished and renovated. Also, very important, the utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space, dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 300 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month. The security deposit ( Kaution ) is also 300 Euro, and you get it back, when you decide to leave the apartment ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice ). As for me, you can rest assured that I will never ask you to leave the apartment. My son is building him life here and now he will go with him wife in Portugal to make them bussines, and about me I am too old to move to Germany, so we won’t disturb you. You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each othe better. My name is Harry Willam Boyd and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years. I have no problem if you will keep animals. The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Harry Willam Boyd

    P.S: Please tell me if this is what are you looking for and reply my only if you are truly interested in the apt.

    Werde dies melden. Good luck für alle Wohnungssuchenden.

    Liebe Grüße


  18. Unter dem Namen Harry William Boyd ist der Betrüger auch in Bremen aktiv. Habe gerade die gleiche Mail bekommen. Danke für die noch rechtzeitige Warnung.

  19. Hi,
    ich habe die gleiche Erfahrung gemacht! Es handle sich um einen gewissen Abraham Gamez. Hier seine Email:

    „Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Rumania already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 2 month of rent will be 740 euro , with no extra taxes to pay. The money, I want to revive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.
    Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called DHL which is similar to FedEx, TNT or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.
    I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the DHL website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the
    company where the procedure is explained:
    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Abraham G.

    Die Wohnung befindet sich in der folgenden Adresse: Baumschulallee 2, 53115 Bonn.



  20. Wohnungsuche in Hamburg
    Hamburg ist ein besonders schwieriges Pflaster für Wohnungssuchende.
    Die Wohnungssuche in Hamburg kann Nerven kosten, die Mieten in der Hansestadt sind sehr hoch und meistens renovierungsbedürftig.
    Im schlimmsten Fällen, Wohnung mit schlecht tapezierten Wänden, vergilbte Küchenschränke, Kabel hängen aus der Wand. Wer hier zur Besichtigung kommt, achtet nicht auf Holzdielen und nicht auf eine szenige Nachbarschaft. Die 80 oder 90 Menschen drängeln hier aus einem einfachen Grund: nur 415 Euro Kaltmiete für nicht mal 40 Quadratmeter. In andere Fälle, sind neu, schönere Wohnungen meist sehr teuer und für normale Verdiener kaum bezahlbar „Man fühlt sich wie ein Mensch zweiter Klasse“

    Nun achtung:
    jetzt wird geschäft mit Mietimmobilien gemacht.
    -Sehr hohe Miete für kleine Wohnungen.
    – Sehr hohe Maklercourtage.
    -Fasche Wohnungsinformationen bei Immobilien Angebote =(Qm2 angaben, Nebenkosten, etc.…
    -mehr und mehr unseriöse Immobilien Anbieter.
    -Selbstauskunft von Mieter die sehr viele Private Daten erhalten, z.B.:
    – SCHUFA-Auskunft
    -Kopie der Arbeitsvertrag
    -Fragen wie; „Warum wollen sie umziehen“
    -auskunft der Vormieter, Adresse, Name, tel. Nummer, etc..
    -Man soll ein Gehalt haben das für viele Menschen mit ein normale Ausbildung/Arbeitsplatz, nicht möglich ist.
    -Ist der Mietinteressente kein Deutsche Staatsbürger, kann er es gleich vergessen. so viel zu Kulturelle Integration.

    Das geht zu weit!!!!

    Man kann sich fragen;
    -Hat man recht auf ein Leben?
    -Wo bleibt die Menschenwürde?

    So lebt man heute:
    -Bevölkerung wie in Indien
    -knappe Wohnung wie in China
    -Mietpreise wie in New Yorker Central-park
    -Menschen Rechte wie in der Drittenwelt

    Das muss man weiter geben

  21. die gleiche Geschichte mit der Frau Probst aka Alexia F., die „vermietet“ eine schöne Wohnung in Berlin. das ist ihre/seine Mail an mich:


    I bought the apartment for my daughter, during his studies. Then she returned to United Kingdom permanently, so I rent my house for an indefinite period. We rented our house with the PayPal Center (well known and trusted) for the last two years. Until today, we had two tenants, easily and without any problems.

    Since my daughter left Germany, nobody is there to take care about renting it so I will just send you the keys and contract using PayPal Center. They will act as a third party in our transaction.

    I hope it’s OK with you, since this is the only reliable option.


    ja ja „sincerely“ 😀

  22. Fast gleichlautender Mailtext in Köln:

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


    Thank you for your email.
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she’s back home permanently, so I’m renting it out.
    We will not use the place any more, so you can rent it even for a long term.
    The flat is fully furnished and renovated, as you could see from the photos.
    You can use my furniture, or you can also use your own if you prefer. If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.
    The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine, LCD TV, etc.
    Also, very important, the utilities (water, electricity, broadband Internet, digital TV, garage) are included in the rent of 400 EUR/month.
    The kaution is EUR 500,00, and you will get it back when you move out (I will need a 30 days notice).

    Now, a little bit about myself: My name is Paul Herman and I’m a 59 years old retired architect from Preston.
    I’m a pet owner myself, so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.
    Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.
    However, this won’t affect the rental at all. I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me.
    I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with, and for how long. Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.
    So I guess this is it for now, I hope I didn’t forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the UK!

    Paul H.

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Wie gut, dass der Mann seine eMail-Adresse angegeben hat. Die kommt jetzt schon mal auf meinen persönlichen Spam-Verteiler! >:)

  23. Klingt irgendwie vertraut. 60qm mit Stellplatz zu schön um wahr zu sein:


    Thank you for your interest to rent my apartment and I`m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak Deutsch. Also I’m sorry for my long e-mail, but please take 3 minutes to read to and you will not regret it. The apartment is still available and I would like to rent it to anyone that deals with the care facility. Apartment have 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room and is located in:Schlößlestr.17. 70186 Stuttgart Gablenberg. The apartment has a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, Internet and telephone, a car park. Also, I have no problem with pets. The minimum rental period is 1 month, but also a perpetual lease is possible.
    The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 485 Euro including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave,refrigerator). The deposit ( Kaution ) is 485 EUR and up on termination of the lease will be refunded to you ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice before to leave the apartment).
    I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I wouldlike to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.
    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is David Brown and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ),planning to retire in the next 5 years.The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon

    David Brown

  24. Dieselbe Masche nun auch in Freiburg: Der Text ist aufs i-Tüpfelchen identisch, nur der Absender nennt sich Thomas Saunders.

    Danke, daß ich beim guglen diesen Beitrag hier finden konnte, der mich nun rechtzeitig warnt.

  25. Man sollte vorsichtig sein!!! Hier mal das kleine Spiel…

    Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012 um 19:47 Uhr
    Von: „Thomas Saunders“
    Betreff: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 67016988

    Thank you for your interest to rent my apartment and I`m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak Deutsch. Also I’m sorry for my long e-mail, but please take 3 minutes to read to and you will not regret it. The apartment is still available and I would like to rent it to anyone that deals with the care facility. Apartment have 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room and is located in: Louise-Otto-Peters-Str. 3 , 79100 , Freiburg Stadt , Germany . The apartment has a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, Internet and telephone, a car park. Also, I have no problem with pets. The minimum rental period is 1 month, but also a perpetual lease is possible.
    The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 400 Euro including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). The deposit ( Kaution ) is 400 EUR and up on termination of the lease will be refunded to you ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice before to leave the apartment).

    I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

    Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Thomas Saunders and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years.The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 um 10:48 Uhr
    Von: „Thomas Saunders“
    Betreff: Re: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 67016988
    Hello Marcel,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 400 EUR + 400 security deposit ( 800 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called ADAC Rental Company Ltd. which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Thanks and have a good day,

    Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 um 11:47 Uhr
    Von: „Thomas Saunders“
    Betreff: Re: Re: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 67016988
    Hello Marcel,

    The company what I’ve hired is a major real estate agency from Bristol, specialized in international rentals, to represent me.
    They are called ADAC Rental Company Ltd., and their website is:
    This agency will handle the delivery of the keys, the inspection of the flat and also the payment .
    Here’s how it works :
    1 – To start this transaction, I need your full name, address and telephone number. I will also need to know the rental period so I can put it in the contract.
    2 – I will go to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. office to drop off the keys and documents of the house, along with the contract
    3 – ADAC Rental Company Ltd. will check the documents to make sure I am the actual owner of the flat, then, they will send you an invoice.
    4 – At this point you’ll have to pay the money for the first month and the security deposit ( 800 Euro ) to ADAC Rental Company Ltd., according to the instructions from the invoice.
    This will be a guarantee that they don’t send an agent all the way to your country for a joke. The deposit will be just a formality, and it will not commit you to renting the flat.
    The money will remain in the custody of ADAC Rental Company Ltd. until you have checked the flat and confirmed that everything is ok.
    5 – At this point you will have to go to a Western Union Agent Location and make a money transfer deposit on the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. agent name in Bristol assigned with this transaction for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for the first month of rent and security deposit.
    After you pay the deposit, and send them the details, ADAC Rental Company Ltd. will send an agent to your country in the next 24-48 hours (Monday to Friday) to meet you and help you inspect the flat. .
    You can also decide which date and time will fit your schedule best for the inspection.
    7 – If you will be satisfied with the flat, you will sign a copy of the contract. However, if you are not pleased with the apartment for any reason, the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. agent will give you the money back on the spot, and I will get my keys and documents back.
    I will pay for the services of the agency, so there will be no extra costs for you.
    Also, in case you have another apartment right now, and you cannot move out immediately, we can make the deal as I explained it now, and consider it only an inspection and reservation. You will move in when you are ready and pay the first rent then.
    If you want to begin, please give me the details which I requested above, so I can make the arrangements.
    I am waiting for your quick response, because there are several others interested in the apartment, and I need to know if I can count on a deal with you.
    Very Important: Western Union is just a method of payment , they are not authorized to give you any information about this transaction for your security.You just have to do a normal money transfer to a person (ADAC Rental Company Ltd. agent).Only ADAC Rental Company Ltd. has access to this transaction for more security.

    Best greetings!

    Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 um 12:10 Uhr
    Von: „Thomas Saunders“
    Betreff: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 67016988
    Hello Marcel,

    The all utilities water hot/cold, electricity, heating, gas, Internet, cable, parking space,garage ,dishwasher, garbage disposal, are included in the price of 400 Euro per month and I believe it is convenient for us both. All the bills will be paid by me and you have to pay only the money for the rent in every month.
    After receiving the information of where to send the keys and the lease I can go to the rental and deposit the keys and lease. When the rental company will have the keys that will communicate with you and send you an invoice with payment details and handover. When you receive the bill should go to a Western Union office and send the money (800 euros) for the agent to the rental company. After the payment is sent to the rental company the confirmation of payment and in two days that will have the keys.
    An agent comes to the door of his house to give you the keys and escort you to the apartment door and after you have 10 days to give the rental company for an answer, if you want to take the apartment or not. In case that you don`t want to take the apartment the money will be refund to you immediately by the agent who will come to give you the keys.
    If you really want to rent the apartment you need to send this information so you can send the keys and make the lease:

    Full name:
    Postal Code:
    Mobile phone number:
    Indentity Card number ( DNI ):
    Date of Birth:
    Date you want to move in the apartment:
    Rental Time:

    I hope you read my e-mail very well, and know that you have to pay before see the apartment.

    Thanks and have a good day,
    Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 um 12:26 Uhr
    Von: „Thomas Saunders“
    Betreff: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anfrage zu Ihrem Objekt 67016988
    Dear Marcel,

    I`m sorry but you must pay today or tomorrow if you want send you the keys and the contract.The money will stay in the custody of the agent ADAC Rental Company Ltd. and if you not like this apartment you will recived the money back.
    I inform you that must make the payment in maximum 24 hours beginning from today .In case that you must wait until 10 November,i am must pay 5 euros per day.

    Thanks and have a good day,


    1. Ich habe das ‚Spiel‘ anders gespielt (ging auch um die Freiburger Anzeige, die ich noch gestern aus dem Immoscout habe entfernen lassen):

      Email von gestern, 21.10.2012


      Thank you for your interest to rent my apartment and I`m sorry to write you in English but I don’t speak Deutsch. Also I’m sorry for my long e-mail, but please take 3 minutes to read to and you will not regret it. The apartment is still available and I would like to rent it to anyone that deals with the care facility. Apartment have 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room and is located in: Louise-Otto-Peters-Str. 3 , 79100 , Freiburg Stadt , Germany . The apartment has a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, Internet and telephone, a car park. Also, I have no problem with pets. The minimum rental period is 1 month, but also a perpetual lease is possible.
      The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 400 Euro including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). The deposit ( Kaution ) is 400 EUR and up on termination of the lease will be refunded to you ( you will have to give me at least 2 moths notice before to leave the apartment).

      I bought this apartment for my son during he studies in Germany, but now he come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, so I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

      Now, a little bit about myself so we can get to know each other better. My name is Thomas Saunders and I’m a 59 years old Neuro-Oncology doctor from Bristol / United Kingdom ( North Bristol NHS Trust ), planning to retire in the next 5 years.The only inconvenience is that my job doesn’t allow me to leave Bristol even for one single day. But this won’t affect you at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (on my expense of course).

      Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

      Antwort 21.10.2012

      Hello Mr. Saunders, Asarenco, Somenov, Boyd or whatsover,

      no problem, I can easily answer you in English. For me, unfortunately, there’s no need to go any further with our negotiations concerning your ‚apartment‘.
      I don’t like to get cheated and I don’t like to be your next fraud victim. I informed Immoscout already and I’m thinking about some further steps.
      Not everybody is as stupid as you might think – and in fact: your practices are very disgusting and immoral. You try to make some ‚easy money‘ with the urgent need of people who are looking for a roof over their head.

      Greetings to Bristol and the rest of the world, and best regards to the DeWitt Rental Company.

      Dann diese mail heute, 22.10.2012

      Hello Bettina,

      Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 400 EUR + 400 security deposit ( 800 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called ADAC Rental Company Ltd. which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

      Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

      Thanks and have a good day,

      Meine Antwort:

      Hey Tom,

      I think you didn’t read my email closely enough (or your automailer didn’t …).
      Everything else the German legal system will take care of …

      Have a good day, look for another way to earn your money and stop frauding people.

      Aber er wird sich sicher leider wieder trauen, unter neuem Namen, in anderen Städten etc.

  26. Hier ist noch mal ein Betruger. Grad eben hab ich den email bekommen.


    Thank you for your interest in my apartment rent, and I `m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. Also, sorry for my e-mail, but please take 3 minutes to read and you will not regret it. The apartment is still available and would like to rent it to anyone who deals with the care facility. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room and is located in: Louise-Otto-Peters-Str. 16 , 79100 , Freiburg, Germany. The apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2012 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is two months, but also a perpetual lease is possible.
    The apartment is furnished as shown in photos, but I also have the option of delivery / storage of my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 300 euros including all utilities (water, electricity, internet, cable, parking, air conditioning, fireplace, dishwasher, garbage disposal, microwave, refrigerator). Security deposit (Kaution) is 300 EUR and until the end of the lease will be refunded to you (you’ll have to give me at least 2 months notice before leaving the apartment).

    The apartment was my mother’s, but six months ago she got ill (she have 68 year’s) and my brother who lives in USA got to him to take care of it. I`m the owner of the apartment because before she leave the apartment she make the apartment contract on my name and will be not a problem to make the transaction with you.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Frank Retrom Opolet and I am a 46 years old Management Consultant at Norwich/ United Kingdom (Norwich Public Trust: Identity and Access Management Consultant), planning to retire in the next 9 years.The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Norwich (at my expense, of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    PS: Please tell me if this is what I seek and respond only if you are really interested in the apt.

    Identity and Access Management Consultant: Frank Retrom Opolet

  27. Wow, super vielen Dank.
    Ich hatte auch ein Angebot aus Köln wo der Name Thomas Saunders fiel. Die Straße war in bester Lage. voll möbiliert und einschließlich Internet usw für nur 400 € im Monat. Allein für die Lage könnte man 800€ mindestens nehmen. Nach der zweiten Mail habe ich erst mal die Firma ADAC rental ltd gegoogelt und bin zum Glück unteranderem auf diese Seite gestoßen!
    Eigentlich war das Angebot schon zu gut um wahr zu sein… Seine Mails muss ich hier sicher nicht nochmal reinstellen, waren genauso, wie die bereits vorhin geposteten Mails.
    Danke und einen schönen Abend noch

    1. Ich danke euch. Ich suchte eine Wohnung in München im Stadtteil Maxvorstadt und habe ein gutes Angebot auf der Internetseite der Immowelt gefunden…das war zu gut. Später
      habe die gleiche e-mail von Thomas Saunders aus Bristol bekommen. Vorsicht!

  28. Danke danke danke danke dankean euch alle!!!
    Ich fasse es nicht, dass ich fast auf diesen Betrüger reingefallen bin! Bei mir war es auch Mr. Thomas Saunders mit der Wohnung in Köln, Klingelpütz 66, in bester Lage, wenig Miete, und und und. Er selbstverständlich ein verlässlicher Arzt aus Bristol, UK, der das Apartment für seinen Sohn gemietet hatte und nun weitervermietet.
    Das tragische an dem Ganzen: der Vermieter der Wohnung meines Chefs wohnt auch in England, also hab ich mir anfangs überhaupt gar nix dabei gedacht. Das einzige, was mich irritiert hat, war der Preis und der unpersönliche Schreibstil der E-Mails, da er nie konkret auf das von mir Geschriebene einging. Naja, und wenn ich ehrlich bin, kann ich mich auch nicht wirklich dran erinnern, dass ich mir die Wohnung auf immobilienscout24 angesehen habe. Von daher frag ich mich auch, wie die an meine E-Mail-Adresse gekommen sind. Ich glaub da läuft auch Datenschmu!
    Gott, ich fühl mich so naiv und bin einfach nur froh, dass sich mein gesunder Menschenverstand noch rechtzeitig eingeschaltet hat und ich mal nach dieser ADAC Rental Company gegoogelt hab.
    Ich bin fassungslos und habe gerade eben auf seine letzte Mail wie folgt geantwortet:

    ok, sounds great, let´s do so!
    And as you say that there are so many other interests I want to make sure that you pick me as your new renter so I would like to transfer you even the first 3 monthly rates in advance. Is that ok?
    But here all my personal dates and for safety also my bank details:

    Name: Doyou
    Last name: ThinkIm
    Adress: Anidiot?

    Thank God for Google and for my good sense in the end, you mean blackleg!
    I hope you die a long and painful death, bitch!

    Den Spaß musste ich mir machen, auch wenn es relativ wahrscheinlich ist, dass ein automatisierter E-Mail-Versand dahintersteckt und das eh nie jemand lesen wird, mir tat es jedenfalls gut 😉
    Also Augen auf selbst beim Wohnungs"kauf" – schon schlimm…

    Viel Glück euch allen noch!

  29. Ich hab dasselbe in Hamburg erlebt nur heisst er hier Patrick Fergusen.
    Gleicher Emailtext wie bei euch super Wohnung in Winterhude.

      1. Und ich hab mich schon gewundert wo die Wohnung abgeblieben ist. Wurde nämlich blitzschnell von dem Angebotsportal gelöscht…das war schon sehr komisch…

  30. jo, auch wir hatten einen kurzen email-Kontakt mit Herrn Fergusson :)…Als von dieser ADAC Rental Ltd. die Rede war, wurden wir stutzig und haben über google geforscht. Danke an den Verfasser dieser Seite ! Durch diese wurde unser Verdacht zum Glück sehr schnell bestätigt.
    Allen alles Gute bei der Wohnungssuche !

  31. Hallo zusammen!

    Mir ist das gleiche in Köln passiert. Mit einem Typen, der sich „Peter Ferguson“. Also seit vorsichtig!!! Von meiner Seite auch noch mal vielen Dank für die Infos.

    Hier die Mails, die ich bekommen habe:

    1. Mail


    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in: Plankgasse 2 , 50668 , Köln Altstadt-Nord , Germany, and also want to rent it out, and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2011 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 510 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 510 euros, at the end of the lease this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during she studies in Germany, but now she come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Patrick Ferguson and I am a 54 years old Management Consultant at Bristol/ United Kingdom (Bristol Public Trust: Identity and Access Management Consultant), planning to retire in the next 4 years. The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (at my expense, of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    PS: Please tell me if this is what I seek and respond only if you are really interested in the apt.

    Identity and Access Management Consultant: Patrick Ferguson

    2. Mail

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 510 EUR + 510 security deposit ( 1020 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called ADAC Rental Company Ltd. which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Thanks and have a good day,

  32. Vorsicht auch ich habe heute das selbe erlebt genau dieselbe erste E-Mail doch dieser Betrüger heißt Charlie Johnston und es gegt um die ADAC rental company. Ich hoffe keiner fällt mehr darauf rein !


  33. Hi, zum Glück kam es mir auch komisch vor.
    Bei mir sind die Namen:
    Charlie johnston, fast genau die selbe Mail. Die perfekte wohnung. Die andere ist evelyn Brown, wird man denn nur noch beschissen?!

  34. Heyy… Mir kam das ebenfalls Spanisch vor, ich war auf der Suche nach einer Wohnung in FFM… Hatte ähnlichen Schriftverkehr mit jenem Walter. Habe den Vorfall SAT.1 Akte gemeldet, vielleicht kümmern die sich darum 🙂 Mfg Carsten

    Für weiteres stehe ich euch auch zur Verfügung 🙂

    Schönen Abend noch

  35. Hier hab ich die erste Mail mal kopiert:


    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in: Freiligrathstraße 50, 60385 , Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and also want to rent it out, and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2012 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos. The monthly rent is 300 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 300 euros, at the end of the lease, this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).

    I bought this apartment for my 8 years ago when my company sent me in Germany for a Aerospace Project, but nine months ago my company offer me a 13 years contract in United Kingdom, and now I decide to rent the apartment.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Walter Karl Wisdom and I am a 59 years old Aerospace Engineering at Stoke/ United Kingdom (Thales UK Aerospace). The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Stoke (at my expense, of course).

    Thank`s for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Aerospace Engineering: Walter Karl Wisdom

  36. Habe von euren Erfahrungen gerade erst gelesen.. habe sie jedoch selbst gemacht.. mit der selben mail. allerdings hieß der vermieter CHARLIE JOHNSTON …. bin immernoch stinksauer. verstehe so menschen nicht!

  37. Achtung Neuer Name : CHARLIE JOHNSTON


    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in :Thomas Mann Straße 7 , 55122 , Mainz , Germany, and also want to rent it out, and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2011 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 420 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 420 euros, at the end of the lease this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during she studies in Germany, but now she come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Charlie Johnston and I am a 54 years old Management Consultant at Bristol/ United Kingdom (Bristol Public Trust: Identity and Access Management Consultant), planning to retire in the next 4 years. The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (at my expense, of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    PS: Please tell me if this is what I seek and respond only if you are really interested in the apt.

    Identity and Access Management Consultant: Charlie Johnston

  38. Hello,

    I received your email of interest for the rental of my apartment located in Stuttgart,Germany.The apartment is still available.There is no other persons in the house, so you will not have to share the apartment.The registration is allowed.I can not answer all questions i get,so I did a little description about myself and about the apartment,and i will send automatically to all messages received.Then depending of your answers i will give all my best interest for one possible renter.

    The apartment has the following facilities:Wireless internet facilities,Phone,Microwave,washing machine,Plamsma TV,DVD player,Dryer,Dishwasher,Refrigerator,Freezer,Toaster,bathroom toilet,lounge/living room,kitchen,utility room.The kitchen has fridge,cooker,oven and other kitchen stuffs.A dining table accommodates 4 people.

    Now,is normal,to tell you some things about me.My name is Sven Quinton and i live in United Kingdom.I have a lovely wife Naomi and 25 years old daughter Giselle.I am very proud to say that next month i’m going to be a Grandfather.I bought this apartment for my daughter during his studies in Germany but now she’s back in UK permanently so nobody is there to take care about renting it, so I will just send you the keys and contract using a Estate Delivery Company. They will act as a third party in our transaction.I hope it’s OK with you, since this is the only reliable option.

    If you are still interested to rent my apartment just answer me and i will give you more details .

    Thank you and hope to hear back from you.
    Greetings from England ,

    Sven and Naomi

    Is klar, Keule!!

  39. Hello,

    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in: Planetenstrasse 31, 40223, Düsseldorf, Bilk, Germany, and also want to rent it out , and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2012 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos. The monthly rent is 300 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 300 euros, at the end of the lease, this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).

    I bought this apartment for my 8 years ago when my company sent me in Germany for a Mechanical Project, but nine months ago my company offer me a 13 years contract in United Kingdom, and now I decide to rent the apartment.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Edward Trenton Yamcen and I am a 59 years old Technician Mechanical Engineering at Stoke/ United Kingdom (Advanced Selection Ltd). The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Stoke (at my expense, of course).

    Thank`s for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Technician Mechanical Engineering: Edward Trenton Yamcen

    Auch was sehr unseriöses.Zum glück hab ich am Preis gemerkt das was nicht stimmt. Außerdem war sein Schreibstil sehr komisch.

  40. Jep, zu schön, um wahr zu sein!
    Hier eine andere Stuttgarter Immobilie des umtriebigen Briten mit dem schlechten Sinn für die Marktpreise:

    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in: Katharinenstraße 39, 70182, Stuttgart, Germany , and also want to rent it out , and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2012 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos. The monthly rent is 300 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 300 euros, at the end of the lease, this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).

    I bought this apartment for my 8 years ago when my company sent me in Germany for a Mechanical Project, but nine months ago my company offer me a 13 years contract in United Kingdom, and now I decide to rent the apartment.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Edward Trenton Yamcen and I am a 59 years old Technician Mechanical Engineering at Stoke/ United Kingdom (Advanced Selection Ltd). The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Stoke (at my expense, of course).

    Thank`s for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Technician Mechanical Engineering: Edward Trenton Yamcen

    Grrrrghgrhghrtgrhgrrrr, das klang tatsächlich zu gut. Danke fürs Posten!

    1. Gäääähn – ulmenstrasse, hamburg!


      Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 420 EUR + 420 security deposit ( 840 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called ADAC Rental Company Ltd. which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

      Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

      Thanks and have a good day,

  41. Hallo alle Zusammen!

    Es ist immer noch aktuell. Jetzt mal wieder in München. Super Stadtteil, schöne Einrichtung, günstige Miete und komische Mails. Jetzt heißt er: Kaith Franklin Mercer und zieht die gleiche Masche ab wie schon oben genannt. Letzte Email:


    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in United Kingdom already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay on the first month of rent will be 420 EUR + 420 security deposit ( 840 euro ), with no extra taxes to pay. I must have one month rent + security deposit from you. The money, I want to receive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a rental company called ADAC Rental Company Ltd. which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC Rental Company Ltd. website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    Thanks and have a good day,

    Wenn das alles bloss wahr gewesen wäre…. Tja, zu schön! Seid vorsichtig!

  42. Hello,

    Thank you reply to the advert placed and I`m sorry to write in English, but I do not speak German. I’m happy to inform you that the place is still available for rent and you are the first person who contact me about it. I personally own the property located in : Salgasse 4 , 50667 , Köln Altstadt-Nord , Germany, and also want to rent it out, and I’m looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after the money for the rent but want it to be clean at all time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. Apartment have 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom, 1-kitchen and 1-living room, and the apartment features a range of facilities including washing machine, air conditioning, internet and phone, a car parking. The apartment was renovated in March 2011 and all the utilies are brand new. Also, I have no problem with pets. Minimum rental period is one month and can be extented to how much time do you need to leave there. The apartment is furnished as seen in the photos, but I also have the option of shipment / storage of all my furniture if you want to bring your own equipment (no additional cost). The monthly rent is 420 Euro including bills for hot water, cold water, gas, heat, electricity, cable TV, internet access. Security deposit (Kaution) is 420 euros, at the end of the lease this it will be refunded to you (you have to give me at least two months notice before leaving the apartment).
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during she studies in Germany, but now she come back home ( Bristol / United Kingdom ) permanently, I’m renting the place for unlimited time. Before we go any further I would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons you intend to live in the apartment, and for how long.

    Now, a little about me so that we can get to know each other better. My name is Keith Franklin Mercer and I am a 58 years old Management Consultant at Bristol/ United Kingdom (Bristol Public Trust: Identity and Access Management Consultant), planning to retire in the next 4 years. The only inconvenience is that my job does not let me go, even for a single day. But this will not affect at all. I can make arrangements to rent the apartment from Bristol (at my expense, of course).

    Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    PS: Please tell me if this is what I seek and respond only if you are really interested in the apt.

    Identity and Access Management Consultant: Keith Franklin Mercer


    Erste Mail:

    > I received your email of interest for the
    > rental of my apartment located in Hamburg,Germany.The apartment is
    > still available.There is no other persons in the house, so you will not
    > have to share the apartment.The registration is allowed.I can not answer
    > all questions i get,so I did a little description about myself and
    > about the apartment,and i will send automatically to all messages
    > received.Then depending of your answers i will give all my best interest
    > for one possible renter.
    > The apartment 44m2 has the
    > following facilities:Wireless internet
    > facilities,Phone,Microwave,washing machine,Plamsma TV,DVD
    > player,Dryer,Dishwasher,Refrigerator,Freezer,Toaster,bathroom
    > toilet,lounge/living room,kitchen,utility room.The kitchen has
    > fridge,cooker,oven and other kitchen stuffs.A dining table accommodates 4
    > people.
    > Now,is normal,to tell you some things about me.My
    > name is Annie Hilton and i live in United Kingdom.I have a lovely
    > husband Peter and 25 years old daughter Giselle.I am very proud to say
    > that next month i’m going to be a Grandmother.I bought this apartment
    > for my daughter during his studies in Germany but now she’s back in UK
    > permanently so nobody is there to take care about renting it, so I will
    > just send you the keys and contract using a Estate Delivery Company.
    > They will act as a third party in our transaction.I hope it’s OK with
    > you, since this is the only reliable option.
    > If you are still interested to rent my apartment just answer me and i will
    > give you more details .
    > Thank you and hope to hear back from you.
    > Greetings from England ,
    > Annie and Peter


    Thank you for answer me so fast.The apartment is rented furnished and equipped,and on request,if you want to bring your furniture, we can solve.All furniture is new and modern.I wish to rent my apartment to some nice and responsible people and in order to do that I have to know a some details about you (Your name,address,like how many persons are you planning to live in the apartment, for how long, if you have a steady income, etc.).

    You should also know that I appreciate sincerity very much.

    The price for one month of rent is € 320 including all the utilities costs (gas,water,electricity and WiFi internet).Of course I would need one warranty month as well of € 320 which you would get back when you will leave the apartment(you will have to give me at least 30 days notice).For me it doesn’t matter if is low price,because i know that it’s too good for Hamburg, for me is important to find a nice and good person to be responsible and to trust,so I can stay calm and take care of my nephew growth:)

    Since I am unable to come to Germany personally we will have to use a company called TNT which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys. Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the
    company where the procedure is explained:

    The best thing with TNT is that you can view the apartment before sign anything.They will act like a licensed third party agency responsible for good development of the transaction.So in your next email please provide me more information about yourself and if you seems trustworthy i will reply with the TNT Rental Properties Services full procedure. I hope to be my perfect tenant and I think we can conclude this negotiation in a short time.

    Regards from me and my husband,

  44. I am glad I came across this website!

    I am looking for apartment in Dusseldorf and received the similar answer from Sony Balltak. The offer is too good to be true and he required me to transfer the money to ADAC (the company has no contact person or record of credibility at all). Here below is the email:

    Hi again,

    Like I have inform you before,the price you shall pay is 1 month of rent wich will be 410 € + security deposit 600€ (kaution)= ( 1.010 € ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1 month rent+ security deposit from you.You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 410 €.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account.The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called ADAC RENTALS which is similar to FedEx or UPS, Rentals which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment. Please click on the link bellow to the ADAC website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from them:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter and to explain you the next steps so we can start the procedure.

    King Regards.
    Thank you

  45. Hello everybody…
    I found this page searching for reviews and to check the credential of the ADAC Rental Ltd.

    It is a fake agency made for stole money to the people?

    I have received the following 2 emails for an apartments in Genoa (Italy):

    Mail 2:
    Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 390€ + security deposit 500€ (kaution)= ( 890€ ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 390€.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:
    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    King Regards.

    Thank you

    Mail 1:

    Hi Today,

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Italy, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 390€ /month. The kaution is 500€ and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated. So I guess this is it for now,I hope I didn’t forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the Cyprus!!

    Thank you

  46. Hallo Zusammen,

    habe gestern auch die Erfahrung gemacht, mit einem Herrn Markus Förster aus Nicosia

    Hi Today,

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Germany, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 365? /month. The kaution is 550? and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated. So I guess this is it for now,I hope I didn’t forget anything.

    Friendly greetings from the Cyprus!!

    Thank you

  47. Die gleiche Story fuer eine Wohnung in Freiburg:
    Inseriert im Immoscout 24,
    Der Knabe heisst K.Franklin Mercer
    Die Firma: ADAC Rentals Ltd. – natuerlich ohne Impressum oder so.
    Interessant auch die Vermietung ohne vorherige Besichtigung.
    Manchmal helfen Suchmaschinen einem schon 😉

  48. Guten Morgen,
    wir hatten die gleichen Geschichte hier in München und Gott sei Dank habe ich diesen Eintrag gefunden.
    Vielen Dank

  49. On Apr 15, 2013 18:17 „Martin Müller“ wrote:
    > Hi again,
    > Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 390€ + security deposit 550€ (kaution)= ( 940€ ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 390€.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:
    > Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.
    > King Regards.
    > From:
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: RE: Kontaktanfrage zu Ihrem Objekt I057693 [Wohnung 1Zimmer in Zentraler Lage Wien]
    > Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:08:09 +0200
    > hi Martin,
    > How are you doing? My name is Dominic and im 32 years old. I would need this flat latest till this week on friday and i really would love to move in your flat. If there are no problems i would make a contact for at least 2-3 years. and the rent + depposit would be no problem. But i could’t pay the real estate agency. So how can we do that, have you got any ideas ???
    > When can i see the flat ?? As i really need a flat as soon as possible. I’m single so i would take the flat alone and i haved got any pet 🙂
    > Please write me as soon as possible
    > Thanks a lot
    > Best wishes
    > Dominic
    > On Apr 15, 2013 09:43 „Martin Müller“ wrote:
    > Hi Today,
    > I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Österreich, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 390€ /month. The kaution is 550€ and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated. So I guess this is it for now,I hope I didn’t forget anything.
    > Thank you.

  50. Hi!
    We are the couple from Estland and searching for the apt in Salzburg. And we got the same message as Dominic!
    Be careful and check all the curious stuff in google!!!
    Thank you for the post!
    I found it in a right time!!

  51. I want to post this one: Frage zu ‚Diese helle, sonnige 2-Zimmer-Wohnung befindet sich im 2.‘
    I received the 2nd letter today:

    Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 420? + security deposit 550? (kaution)= ( 970? ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 420?.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    King Regards.

    This is the first one:
    2013.05.01. dátummal, 19:08 időpontban Marcel Theissen írta:

    Hi Today,

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Österreich, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 420? /month. The kaution is 550? and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.

    So I guess this is it for now,I hope I didn’t forget anything.

    Thank you.

  52. BETRUG:
    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Österreich, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 385€ /month. The kaution is 550€ and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.

    1. AUFPASSEN!!!!!!
      Hi again,

      I want to inform you that Adac-rentals will hold the money until you will confirm to them that you like the apt and keep the keys. If you don’t like it, you only have to return the keys to them after they will refund the money to you and they will deliver the keys back to me on my expense.I will need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. ou will only have to deposit to Adac-rentals Service the 1 months of rent + security deposit -930€- so they can proceed with the shipping,and you can receive the keys and the contract.Like I said, I will pay for a express services 24hours delivery so you will receive the Keys and the contract signed by me right away.

      I will explain to you step by step how this will work:

      1 – To start this transaction i will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address and phone number to proceed with this deal .
      2 – I go to the Adac-rentals Office and leave the Keys and the contract in your name as the intended receiver.
      3 – Adac-rentals will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the Keys.
      4 – Adac-rentals will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the Keys and the papers in their custody, in which you will be told that they have the Keys and that they checked it.
      5 – At this point you will have to go to your bank and make a bak wire transfer on the Adac-rentals agent name in Cyprus assigned with this transaction for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is for the first month of rent.
      6 – After you make the deposit you will have to send the infos about the money deposit to Adac-rentals(Scanned paper from your bank so I can know that you already made the deposit)
      7 – Adac-rentals will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the Keys and the contract to you .
      8 – After you receive the package, You will go and check the apt and in 24-48 hours you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apt or not,if everything is in order you will instruct Adac-rentals to release the funds to me.

      If you don’t like the apt they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to them to return the package back to me on my expense.I will pay Adac-rentals Service for the shipping and you Bank wire transfer for the fees.Now i must know for sure if you agree because here are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and i want to know for sure what i must tell them.If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you.

      The building have one lift, You have one place parking.

      Hietzinger Hauptstraße 149-151,
      1130 Hietzing

      If you agree then i must have all the shipping details so i will be able to make all the arrangements for the Adac-rentals delivery.

      First Name
      Last Name
      Zip Code
      Phone Number

      Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.

      King Regards!

      Thank you.


  53. Frage zu ‚Wohnung 1Zimmer in Zentraler Lage Hietzing 380‘

    Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 380€ + security deposit 550€ (kaution)= ( 930€ ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 380€.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    King Regards.

    Mario Freytag

  54. Hi Today,

    I bought this apartment for my daughter during her studies in Österreich, but now she’s back home permanently,so I’m renting it out.We will not use the place any more,so you can rent it even for a long term.The flat is fully furnished and renovated,as you could see from the photos.You can use my furniture,or you can also use your own if you prefer.If you decide to use yours, you can store my furniture in the large basement cellar.The place is fully equipped with air conditioning, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, washing machine,LCD TV, etc.Also very important, the utilities(water, electricity,Internet, digital TV)are included in the rent of 380€ /month. The kaution is 550€ and you will get it back when you will move out(I will need a 30 days notice).I’m a 56 years old retired architect from Nicosia Cyprus.I’m a pet owner myself,so I will have no problem if you want to keep a pet in the house, as long as nothing is damaged.Unfortunately, my health and ongoing treatment don’t allow me to do any travelling for the next few months, so I will not be able to come and meet you personally for a while.However this won’t affect the rental at all.I can make arrangements to have a real estate agency handle everything for me. I would like to know how many persons you intend to share the flat with,and for how long time.Any other details about yourself would be appreciated.

    So I guess this is it for now,I hope I didn’t forget anything.

    Thank you.
    Mario Freytag

  55. Aufpassen Betrug!!!
    von Stephan Wulf

    Ich kaufte diese Wohnung für meine Tochter während ihres Studiums in Österreich, aber jetzt ist sie wieder zu Hause dauerhaft, also bin ich es mieten out.we wird nicht mit dem Platz nicht mehr, so können Sie es auch mieten für eine lange flache term.The ist voll möbliert und renoviert, wie Sie aus dem photos.You konnte sehen kann meine Möbel verwenden, oder Sie können auch Ihre eigenen, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, Sie nutzen Ihr prefer.If, können Sie meine Möbel in den großen Keller cellar.The speichern Platz ist voll ausgestattet mit Klimaanlage, Spülmaschine, Mikrowelle, Kühlschrank, Waschmaschine, LCD TV, etc.Also sehr wichtig, die Nebenkosten (Wasser, Strom, Internet, Digital-TV) sind in der Miete von 405 € / Monat inklusive ausgestattet. Die Kaution beträgt 550 € und Sie erhalten sie zurück, wenn Sie sich bewegen wird aus (ich werde eine Frist von 30 Tagen müssen). Ich bin ein 56 Jahre alter pensionierter Architekt aus Nicosia Cyprus.I bin ein Tierbesitzer selbst, also werde ich haben kein Problem, wenn Sie ein Haustier im Haus zu halten, solange nichts damaged.Unfortunately, meine Gesundheit und die laufende Behandlung erlauben mir nicht, jede auf Reisen für den nächsten Monaten tun wollen, so werde ich nicht in der Lage sein Kommen Sie und treffen Sie persönlich für eine while.However dies keinen Einfluss auf die Vermietung an all.I können Vorkehrungen treffen, um eine Immobilienagentur Griff alles für mich. Ich möchte wissen, wie viele Personen Sie die Wohnung mit teilen möchten, und für wie lange time.Any andere Details über sich selbst würde geschätzt. Ich benutze google translate in Deutsch schreiben, wenn Sie Englisch sprechen, bitte komm zurück zu mir in englischer Sprache.

    Also ich denke, das ist es jetzt, ich hoffe ich habe nichts vergessen.

    Vielen Danke
    Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 405€ + security deposit 550€ (kaution)= ( 955€ ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 405€.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    King Regards.

  56. gesendet von: Philipp Schiffer (

    Hallo Heute

    Ich kaufte diese Wohnung für meine Tochter während ihres Studiums in Österreich, aber jetzt ist sie wieder zu Hause dauerhaft, also bin ich es mieten out.we wird nicht mit dem Platz nicht mehr, so können Sie es auch mieten für eine lange flache term.The ist voll möbliert und renoviert, wie Sie aus dem photos.You konnte sehen kann meine Möbel verwenden, oder Sie können auch Ihre eigenen, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, Sie nutzen Ihr prefer.If, können Sie meine Möbel in den großen Keller cellar.The speichern Platz ist voll ausgestattet mit Klimaanlage, Spülmaschine, Mikrowelle, Kühlschrank, Waschmaschine, LCD TV, etc.Also sehr wichtig, die Nebenkosten (Wasser, Strom, Internet, Digital-TV) sind in der Miete von 410 € / Monat inklusive ausgestattet. Die Kaution beträgt 550 € und Sie erhalten sie zurück, wenn Sie sich bewegen wird aus (ich werde eine Frist von 30 Tagen müssen). Ich bin ein 56 Jahre alter pensionierter Architekt aus Nicosia Cyprus.I bin ein Tierbesitzer selbst, also werde ich haben kein Problem, wenn Sie ein Haustier im Haus zu halten, solange nichts damaged.Unfortunately, meine Gesundheit und die laufende Behandlung erlauben mir nicht, jede auf Reisen für den nächsten Monaten tun wollen, so werde ich nicht in der Lage sein Kommen Sie und treffen Sie persönlich für eine while.However dies keinen Einfluss auf die Vermietung an all.I können Vorkehrungen treffen, um eine Immobilienagentur Griff alles für mich. Ich möchte wissen, wie viele Personen Sie die Wohnung mit teilen möchten, und für wie lange time.Any andere Details über sich selbst würde geschätzt. Ich benutze google translate in Deutsch schreiben, wenn Sie Englisch sprechen, bitte komm zurück zu mir in englischer Sprache.

    Also ich denke, das ist es jetzt, ich hoffe ich habe nichts vergessen.

    Vielen Danke

  57. Ich habe die selbe Nachricht erhalten, und zwar unter verschiedenen Namen, was mich noch zusätzlich stutzig gemacht hat. Auf Fragen diesbezüglich wird nicht reagiert. Eine Rückmeldung mit Namen gibt es auch nicht.
    Daher bitte aufpassen bei:
    Dennis Bohm
    Sebastian Eichelberger
    David Hypatos

    Und auch hier nochmal die Nachricht:

    Hi again,

    Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I’m in Nicosia / Cyprus already. Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay is 1months of rent wich will be 410€ + security deposit 550€ (kaution)= ( 960€ ),with no extra taxes to pay.I must have 1months rent+ security deposit from you. You pay this money just for this time and every month you pay just 410€.The money,I want to recive it monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to wire the money to my bank account. The apartment is ready for you, you will need only to receive the keys and the contract to check it, and see if you like it.Obviously we need a way to complete this deal,that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 24-48 hours,if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company Adac-rentals which is similar to FedEx or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the Keys.I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apt only after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.Please click on the link bellow to the Adac-rentals website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:

    Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter.

    King Regards.

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